Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Yeast Infections in Dogs Are Common

Yeast infections in dogs are the most common of all dog breeds and if not treated, can cause skin lesions, inflammation, and can reproduce very quickly to abnormal numbers. It may also cause a toxic situation that could easily affect their immune, nervous and endocrine systems.

For several years, it was not taken seriously, but it is now identified as potentially allergies, bladder infections, and some other serious diseases.

YeastsImpact on your pet are unicellular organisms, which on the surface of every living being, can be found, including your dog. There are two basic types of fungal infections that your pet will attack if not treated properly, the yeast Candida albicans in their gastrointestinal tract and Malassezia, which is the yeast found that attacks against their skin and ears.

If your dog's immune system is fully operational, it is in a position to control and destroy these organisms, but if itweak in any way, this organism is considered a greedy investors who will grow and multiply at an astonishing number and grab your dogs systems.

Types of yeast infections:

The form of Malassezia yeast infections leads to a very severe itching. For several years it was probably a skin allergy and only recently burst onto the scene as a yeast infection.

If this form of infection in the ears, it is considered a secondaryPathogen, ie it is not the actual substance that causes the infection or disease, but it is now recognized as the primary means in the skin.

It was also believed to be caused by allergies, but has been now identified as the cause for various types of skin allergies, a complete reversal. This type of infection affects more than just the skin, as well as the ears, anal sacs, which attack the vagina and the rectum of your dog. It can not and will not attack dogsAge, race or gender, but is very rare in cats.

The dogs of large breeds like German Shepherds and Shetland Sheepdogs are very vulnerable, and West Highland Terrier. However, Chihuahuas and poodles are also at a much higher risk.

This form of yeast infection is usually caused by hereditary diseases that weaken the system. It is a cell in your dog's body called T-lymphocytes, which protects against bacteria, viruses, and otherOrganisms that were already infected a cell and are always in the cell.

However, if your dog is weak, these cells no longer protect your pet.

The second type of yeast organism, Candida albicans, live in your dog's digestive tract and survived by eating sugar and fat in your pets system. It is usually not a threat to all of your dog and lives in a balance in your pet. It is held in equilibrium by a substance called Lactobacillus Bacteria in the digestive tract that produces lactic acid.

But when this balance is uneven, this fungus as well as rapidly increasing, and more are part of the body of your pet's journey through the bloodstream, bypassing the acid. Once released, it is also able to multiply very quickly.


The first symptoms you will notice, usually start in the summer surface when the humidity is very high, and your dog 's skin begins to itch. Of course, by your> This dog is itching, scratching is a start wounds to the surface. The symptoms may either be localized or generalized, meaning that they cover a large part of the body of the animal.

If it is localized, it usually will affect your dog's ears, nose, toes or their anal areas. If it attacks the toes, your pet, you will always licking her feet to see. In the anal region is trying to scratch for the best, and if, on the snout, which may come easier to themReason as well developed, if wounds, blackening of the skin and hair loss.

If there is generalized, your pet will actually begin to stink, as the yeast is the spread and the fur of the animal caused greasy and oily. If severe, you will see both skin lesions and wounds. The symptoms of stomach yeast infection is initially center on the bubble when serious attacks the liver.


There are several ways to treat fungal infections in dogs, butThere is increasing evidence that yeast infections can be caused by grain-based foods for infants and a lack of certain minerals.

The conventional treatments are based off of what is presumed that the underlying causes such as bacterial infections, or seborrhea. Medicated shampoos are the most common treatments. Localized applications of small areas will be treated with anti-bacterial cream. Antifungal shampoos will be used in very severe cases.

Home remedy treatments for yeastInfections include cider vinegar, vinegar and yogurt. Vinegar has a negative effect on some dogs, but yogurt appears to be extremely effective in the form of gastrointestinal infections.

However, as in almost all types of care, the best method in the preventative stages with your dog.

There are two minerals, zinc and copper, which greatly assists in preventing be so.

Zinc is from your dog in the preparation of the necessaryNucleic acids are the building blocks of the body as they help both RNA and DNA. They also help with the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which help keep the stomach in the form of yeast in check.

But more importantly, it is bound together protein and fat, which is exactly what awaits these single-celled organism to attack, when the cells become weak and do not bind together. It also plays a big role in your dog's body in normalizing swelling and heat, the otherMarket growth of yeast.

Copper is perhaps Nature's Finest anti-fungal agents and several tests have shown that a lack of copper causes yeast infections. Zinc is also known that copper, lead into the body, and as a result of copper and zinc, taken together forever.


Yeast infections in dogs are very common and can be both irritating and very dangerous for your pet. Proper preventive nutrients can help to stop it ever beingYour pet can occur and save a lot of unnecessary pain.

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