Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dog Yeast Infection Cure

Dog yeast infection is caused by an organism called Malasezzia, which is normally to be found in the skin of the animals. "The problem occurs when there is overgrown and creates discomfort to your dog. Yeast infections in dogs, mainly in to develop in dogs with long ears, and in older dogs.

The main areas where dogs are the yeast infection occurs, the ears and skin, especially on the abdomen, neck and feet. In general it is very easy to remember, if your pet getsYeast because of its foul odor from the ears and sometimes leak. If the infection present on the skin than is usually the hair is lost and you may notice a few spots on the skin.

Yeast infections in dogs can prevent it very easily if you maintain good hygiene of your pet. Yeasts develop in the wet, humid areas, keep your pet dry and clean all the time does not help your pet to the infection to obtain.

Eating is one of the main causes ofDevelopment of dog yeast infection, how to influence the immune system and also the amount of yeast in his body, the same as men. Vaccine is also always aware of yeast infections in dogs.

To be sure that your dog is really yeast infection should clear up a trip to your veterinarian. Sometimes a test can tell microscope on the skin of your dog, whether it has the Malasezzia, but is not always clear.

There are manyTreatments for dog yeast infection on the market today. However, you should avoid, since your pet antibiotics for the treatment of yeast, as it is making the situation worse. Antibiotics not only that his weakened immune system, while also providing for some fungal infections by these pets.

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