Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Most Common Dog Medical Conditions You Should Know About

Similar to humans, or any other kind of animal, dogs are susceptible to certain diseases and health conditions. It is up to us as her love of owners and responsible caretakers to ensure that we protect our dogs the most common diseases and conditions. We must give them the right treatment, they deserve to be happy and healthy for as long as possible.

Here are some of the most common dog medical conditions that you take to keep your beloved pet to be awarecomfortable and in good health throughout their lifespan.

Distemper and parvovirus

The highly contagious diseases, distemper and parvovirus are usually the most deadly diseases because they leave dogs vulnerable to infections. All dogs should be against both parvovirus, which is found in feces, and distemper, are vaccinated, the ability to survive, in the environment for up to a year before she once again had another infected animal.


Depending on yourLocation can fleas at any time of the year, strike and run your dog substantial discomfort. It is also true that for every flea you happen to spot a few hundred more could be lurking in your home easily, and your dog.


Heartworms can be fatal, untreated, and no dog should have to suffer with this kind of preventable, treatable disease but only rarely. Like fleas, ticks, heartworms are fairly easy to prevent, but difficult totreat.

Hip dysplasia

Dysplasia of the hip most commonly in certain breeds of large dogs, although thanks to modern science, veterinary surgeons are able to accurately diagnose and treat the condition earlier than ever before. These musculoskeletal disorders is actually an inherited disease that fits in the head of the femur, too loose in the pelvis, causing pain and wear and tear of the joints. In addition to genetics, obesity, or excessive use are other factors thatContribution to the development of hip dysplasia.


Also common in larger dogs, though it actually can happen any type that is painful and often fatal disease bloat often referred to. This dreaded disease is often called the "silent killer" as they may occur at any time and for no apparent reason. Gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV), which will require immediate medical treatment, characterized by foaming at the mouth, tried unsuccessfully to induce vomiting, the inabilitystand by complaining, tempo, and the bloated appearance in the abdominal region.


Infections, especially in the ear, are common conditions for dogs of all breeds, but especially with long floppy ears. Caused by yeasts or bacteria, an ear infection can be quite painful and lead to further complications, such as a ruptured blood vessel or blood clot in the ear. Red and swollen ear flaps, and a malodorousOdor are good signs your dog is suffering from an infection. Some dogs always shake their heads or paw at their ears, while others may try her head on the furniture or the floor, get relief from the itching and discomfort, rubbing.

As always, regular veterinary care, an important preventive measure when it comes to our dog's health, and is also one of the very best things you give your pet, along with all the care, love and attention they sovery much deserve.

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